Using toilet paper, partners have to wrap each other up to look like a mummy.
Pin the nose on the witch.
Costume parade.
Coloring Halloween theme handouts. Can be downloaded & copied.
Don't know if this really counts as food, but I went to a halloween party once where they had a "guess the gross thing" activity. You had to put your hand into a box & guess what the item was. Wet, cooked spaghetti as guts, peeled grapes as eyeballs, a cooked, wet cauliflower as a brain, different stuff like that.
Cauldrens full of halloween themed party prizes (can be bought in lg. quantities @ party stores). Kids decorate treat bags (regular lunch bags) w/markers, stickers, etc. & get to choose prizes to put in their bags.
Crafts of all pumpkin decorating with markers instead of cutting or paints, left/right story (sit children in a small circle and read a story--everytime the word left is mentioned the "prize" goes to the left, everytime the word right is mentioned the prize moves to the right), Depending on the could do story tell ("Hey Froggie Halloween")or scary stuff Bingo....the mind boggles at the possibilities [img]smile.gif[/img] ...
school administration decided that there is to be no food allowed at this year's Halloween Party. Any suggestions on what a roomparent is to do?!! Thanks in advance!!