I would say that as long as the total was what you voted on and not the by line entries then you are okay. The total is your do not exceed amount. I look at Robert's Rules as a support system not a hinderance and would use them in this manner.
If however, each vote was broken down into 10 dollars for food (vote), 15 dollars for games (vote)...then you probably have to consider revoting. In the future I would also consider putting in a +- amount into the vote...like +- 5 percent without requiring another vote. Just frees you up procedurally.
We are in the process of planning our fall fun fair.
In the Spring, we (general membership) approved a summer budget so that we could take care of expenses that occur during the summer. As part of that, we approved $6000 for fun fair spending, and it was broken down into several subcategories (games, food, raffle prizes, etc)
During the summer our plans changed a bit with the fun fair and we will end up spending more on some activities and less on others.
Do we need to vote on the changes? Are we OK as long as the total Fun Fair spending is under $6000 or do we need to stick to the original breakdown. My feeling (as Treasurer) is that as long as the committee comes in under the $6000 then they can allocate that how they want. I don't want to tie their hands when they are trying to come up with new and fun ideas.
Just wondering how other schools might handle this. The committee chair is worried about the budget and I want to reassure her. Since we haven't had a meeting yet, we haven't had a chance to put it to a vote and she doesn't have the time to wait.