Look on the FORM on Section XI User Fee Information (page 12). It's actually the very end of the form, but since the schedules start at the point, the middle of the packet.
On the instructions it's on page 16 at the bottom of the first column. But it doesn't reference the $$ amounts and just has a pretty basic sentence or two.
The Tax ID number is merely an identifcation code (like a person's social security number). It's quick, easy, no fee and does NOT make you a non-profit.
The 501(c)(3) status is what achieves that. The paperwork/forms to file are not trivial, but many of us have done it and people on the forums are very helpful. Filing fee just went up to $750 (unless you can state your average GROSS receipts are less than $10,000. Then it's $300.)
Benefits include operating legitamately, donors can take charitable deduction for goods/funds contributed, tighter processes and controls (because you have to set up some struction for the IRS), may be required for state tax exemption, often required if applying for grants.
Search on the term "501" and you'll find lots more in this section of the Forum.
We have just filed and received our own Tax ID #. Does this mean we are classified as non-profit or not? We were told we had 27 months to apply for the 503(c) status..any ideas?? What are the benefits to doing that now?? How much does this cost?