Since the election was already tabled to the next meeting, just hold the election then as scheduled.
mykidsmom has it right - the vote of the ineligible voter was an oversight that should not have happened, but you can't go back in time and fix it now. The best you can do is acknowledge there was a problem, apologize for it, demonstrate that a lesson was learned by reviewing the procedure before the next vote and complete the election.
I'm assuming this was a secret ballot. Is someone claiming that they know how this person voted so the other candidate should be declared the winner? I don't think that is reasonable unless the error was found while the votyes were being counted that night.
In all honesty, if the election is also being questioned (which it is now) a new election at your next meeting is appropiate.
If this is an urgent matter (you need this person asap) then a special meeting with proper notice going home to all the members is not a bad idea.
At the new elections, a quick review of voting proceedures never hurts and helps with small matters of "nosey non-members"
At our last meeting we held our Executive board elections. There was a tie for one of the positions and a motion was made to table the vote until the next meeting. It was later brought to the boards attention that there was a person who voted that was not actually a member of our PTO, but just sitting in on our meeting to learn about it for a different school. Any thoughts how this should be handled??