Take a look at the Roberts Rules cheat sheet on the Bonus Tools page. It gives a brief definition of the top 10 RRO points. Maybe it will help demystify RRO.
We use the basics of RRO at all our general meetings, but not exec board where we are more informal. RRO can really help keep a meeting moving forward and remove emotion from the discussion.
Also, Robert's Rules exists to provide, well, order. It should give the minority opinion a chance to be heard and also keep a single outspoken person from dominating the meeting or crosstalk from distracting everyone.
If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down. <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
Anyone at the meeting can second a motion it does not have to be a exec. member...We always second everything in our meetings. It help with better record keeping even if you only have 15 members.
We have a newly formed PTO and being familiar with other organizations that make motions and seconds, should I recommend that the PTO also does this, for nothing else than to have it a matter of record?
We are a small group and have approx. 15 members that are active, and 6 on the exectutive committee. (CoPres, CoVP, Sec and Treas). Can anyone that is at that particular meeting make the motion and second, or does that have to be done by exec committee and voted on by everyone else?