We do use absentee ballots. As for our bylaws, they are very grey. This is all it states.
Officers shall be elected by ballot in the month of May. However, if there is but one nominee for any office, election for that office may be by voice vote.
Officers shall assume their official duties the close of the meeting in June, and shall serve for a term of one year and shall remain in office until their successors assume office.
A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. (Exception: A person may serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office when there is no other person willing to serve).
Election ballots shall be distributed to the membership at large and results will be given at the last PTO meeting of the school year.
In regards to who told implied that the staff should vote, it was the Principal. Because this is her first year at out school, the staff is being real careful to try to do as they are told so that she doesn't make their life worse. Because she doesn't like the fact that some of the board members don't just sit back and let her tell them how to run the PTO, she recommended that they vote for change. She's very good like that...careful with what she says so that she get's her point across without actually saying anything to get her self in trouble.
As for the color coding, when we asked the nominating committee why this was done we were told many different things. It just depended on who you talked to. The following were some of the things we were told.
We didn't color code, the copier just ran out of color and then had to be replaced.
We were numbering the ballots as a procotionary measure.
We did it as directed by the principal.
We didn't number in any special way. We just wanted to make sure that everything was fair.
When the problem first arose, I went to the President of our President's council and was told that they are just their as a support system but that I should try to work it out with the principal.
I didn't think about going to the school board because I didn't really know who to go to and to be perfectly honest, I didn't want to make things worse for my daughter and family who have many years left at this school and with this principal. I do think that this is a major violation even though it doesn't state that it is in the bylaws. It doesn't discuss that at all.
More advice would be great!