My question to everyone is..Are by-laws needed for PTO? I tried to start a committee to write them, and get them ready to have them approved by the next meeting at the beginning of the school year. The principal said that we can look in to it. Well, I don't know if it has been tabled or just let go. Some people where questioning why we need them, and saying that the principal has acted like the by-laws. Oh, the principal did say that we were not ready to follow Robert's Rules of Order. I said that they are needed especially since the group is getting bigger, and it will protect us from clashing ideas, etc. I told them that we can write them as detailed as we wanted or as little detailed as we see fit. We could fit it into our needs of our school. For instance, the principal wants to hand pick the treasurer.
I don't know..I'm really frustated, I think that they are needed. I guess I keep pestering them about the by-laws until my youngest leaves (and that's in about 8 years since she's only 3!) the school. I have 8 years to get on their nerves about following rules. hehehe....