Our Principal and it seems our school district does not want our PTO to have a President who does not have a child attending the school. Who has the right to control this issue? Our current President, who is doing a fine job, took the assignment with the understanding that the position would be held for two years. Her daughter is graduating eighth grade this year and the Principal wants her to step down. The PTO Board and parents would like to keep her. She now has experience and would like to continue to support the school. The bylaws say the PTO is open to families with children in the school. The bylaws do not say that community members cannot join or volunteer. Has anyone had experience with this? Can you advise us? It feels too weird to have someone who wants to volunteer being told that she can't. Please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can help. Thank you!