We have a similar principal. I guess last yr. she ran the meetings, no voting... The pres.was new and didn't know what to do. (schools went thru some restructuring and my school closed so I am now pres. of this group and am putting it back into pto hands)I had our group revise our by-laws to state what the principal's role is:
[School Principal shall serve as the liaison between the executive committee & the administration.]
They should give their input when needed and to approve events you would like to have at the school.
Good luck!
Actually I really don't know what her position is..The bylaws state a parliamentary (sp) and we don't have one of those..My concern is that this principle is not a very liked person amoung her own teachers for all the sneaky stuff she tries to do and all the stuff she doesn't do anyway I feel that this is keeping alot of the teachers away. Before I joined, I hear she pretty much resided the meetings and controlled everything but since more people have been coming she pretty much sets there..This is going to come up at our June meeting about her position and I needed some input on this before I brought it up about her position.
Okay, what is the sergeant at arms job? I guess if it is needed then it needs to be put in the by-laws. I am in agreement with you that once in the by-laws, it should be an elected position. Good luck!
[ 05-09-2006, 10:15 AM: Message edited by: Renee S ]
We had an election last week all postions were up for election--We have a sergant of arms which is currently the principle of the elementary and that spot was not on the ballot. First thing there is nothing in the bylaws about a Sergant of Arms and second I feel that position should be a nominated seat as well.. Please advise...