if the principal sits on the BOARD of the PTO, which ours does, certainly that gives weigth to getting policies adhered to. if not, what IS the function of head of school on teh PTO board, if not to (among other things) make sure the rules are followed, and guide the PTO to doing the right thing?
the principal, supt and BOE have ultimate power over PTO, if not in word/legal, then morally, ethically, etc , they CAN put the pressure on PTO to follow rules, their big 'stick' is, no rules adherence, no presence on school grounds for mtgs or fundraisers etc.
its a joke if the PTO doesnt follow their own rules,and even a greater joke if admin turns a blind eye, if htey are alerted to problems. after all, what are rules for, to be flaunted? and if everyone giggles and lets small things go unchecked, thats how big problems are allowed to happen. thats what happened to us. small problems ignored became huge irreparable problems.
Goodness...I have been in your shoes. And it is hard because from what I learned is that,I think that your principal in your first step in line, then you can go to the BOE if needed. Depending on your principal, he/she might feel the same as you. Or maybe not but I do believe that is where you should start. I am no expert but hopefully you will get some great responses from some of the more experienced PTO people here. Best of luck!!!
Having a problem with current PTO board and the board moving into next year. It will be the same president. She is constantly trying to "bend" the rules, and I am constantly at odds with her because I make her follow them. I will happily be on the other side of the table next year and will make sure from my seat in the audience that all by-laws are followed, but if they are not - what are the consequences?? I know she will try to get the new treasurer (pushover) to write checks for unapproved amounts as she has tried from me. If I do question an amount that was not budgeted or approved by the membership, what exactly can be done? Besides being the trouble maker (which I already am because I actually like to follow the rules!). I know with PTA's there is a national committee that can step in and help out, but what about for PTO's? (besides the principal)