Here are ours... hope they help!
Madison PTO
Mount Vernon, WA
The officers duties shall include a review of the preliminary budget in preparation for general membership meetings, to solicit and designate committee chair people for a variety of school related activities, to communicate on a regular basis with Parent Group officers from other schools, to invite consultants to meet with the Parent Group, to act as the official communications unit for the Parent Group, and to perform additional duties as deemed necessary for an effective and efficient operation.
Officer duties shall include, but not be limited, to the following:
President or Co-Presidents:
1. Serves as head of the Parent Group.
2. Attends, organizes, and conducts all Parent Group meetings and monthly Executive Board meetings.
3. Plays an active role in Madison Parent Group activities, such as: Back to School BBQ, family nights, Kindergarten Orientation, etc.
4. Serves as a liaison between staff and parents.
5. May vote in all situations.
6. Arranges for babysitting and translation at PTO meetings.
Vice President/ Fundraising Coordinator:
1. Attends all scheduled meetings.
2. Assists the President as needed.
3. May vote in all situations
4. Assumes the duties of President if the president is unable to execute the responsibilities of the office
5. Oversees all fundraising activities.
6. Plays an active role in Madison Parent Group activities, such as: Back to School BBQ, family nights, Kindergarten Orientation, etc.
1. Attends all scheduled meetings
2. Attends to payment of all bills in the appropriate manner.
3. Prepares and makes all deposits.
4. Maintains necessary records and documentation.
5. Presents a monthly report to the executive Board.
6. Presents a report at each general membership meeting.
7. Ensures appropriate cash handling procedures are used at Parent Group activities.
8. Plays an active role in Madison Parent Group activities, such as: Back to School BBQ, family nights, Kindergarten Orientation, etc.
9. May vote in all situations.
10. Proposes budget to officers in August of each year.
11. Responsible for ensuring that correct signatories are in place by September of each year.
1. Attends all scheduled meetings.
2. Records minutes of all meetings. If unable to attend, makes arrangements for another officer to fulfill the role.
3. Prepares written minutes of all meetings and posts on the Parent Group bulletin board and the school website.
4. Assists with all written correspondence of the Parent Group
5. Assists with flyers and hand outs for Parent Group activities.
6. Prepares agendas for scheduled meetings.
7. May vote in all situations.
8. Plays an active role in Madison Parent Group activities, such as: Back to School BBQ, family nights, Kindergarten Orientation, etc.
Members at large:
1. Attends all scheduled meetings.
2. Present the views and opinions of different segments of the Madison Elementary population.
3. Help with various Parent Group activities.
4. May vote in all situations.
5. Plays an active role in Madison Parent Group activities, such as: Back to School BBQ, family nights, Kindergarten Orientation, etc.
The voting membership can adapt these offices to fit the needs of the Parent Group on a yearly basis as long as proper documentation of the proposed changes is included in the minutes. Co-officers are encouraged.