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Dismissal of an Officer & mom

18 years 9 months ago #60895 by writermom
I guess what I don't understand is why someone would bring a lawsuit--is it against the officers, the PTO, or the school? If this happened to me and I was the officer or mom, I cannot imagine that I would sue whoever did this. I wouldn't want to go to the expense and take the time. It sounds like the officers in question were pretty sneaky, but there are other ways of going about fighting this. Can you give more info in what the officer and mom did? So--you can sue someone for not following RRO--is that what you are saying?
18 years 9 months ago #60894 by Not Happy
Dismissal of an Officer & mom was created by Not Happy
I need to see if anyone out there has had this happen in their PTO and what advise would you give. In our meeting on Tues. night the current President, Vice, & Treasurer' took it upon themself to read a commentary and choose to vote out their secretary and a mom that they "claim" respresented themselves as the "PTO" when addressing their own person education concerns that had no impact on the members or current officer's of the PTO. Prior to this meeting these three officer's held a secret meeting and only had a few chosen people there to vote against these two woman. I must also say that a notice about the meeting did not go home to ALL grades of the school and no reminder that day of a meeting or any mention that the presence of members would be needed because of a vote. No where in our by-laws state they can do this and we go back to Robert's Rules for any further definition of the by-laws. You would need to reference #72 & #75 that they did this legally and are now LIBEL for a law suit. The principal had a meeting with the president and he is REFUSING to retract this vote and appologize to these two woman for the fact he and the others were legally out of bound. I must also say that in Oct. our treasurer kept in her posession over $2,000 and did pay an outstanding bill and did not receive any type of punishment because the Head Teacher & Principal believed she deserved a second chance. She should have been dismissed immediatly. Does anyone have any advise? Legal action will be filed against these three people at some point forthcoming.
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