I would say without bylaws you don't have a PTO. You may have folks that joined dues to be part of something, but the bylaws are what make the organization solvent. You should not be able to have a bank account in the name of the school PTO without bylaws and cannot get tax exempt status or encorporation without bylaws. So, I would say that the organization is fraudulent and you can start your own PTO...of course the politics of that are a bit stickier...but heck, if you're not allowed to do anything now and you want to - what the heck...
What if no by-laws were written?
President from last year will not alow new parents to be part of the team. ex: No treasurer(this is now her family member) and secretary when a parent offered she asked a teacher to do it. Parents are not willing to come back. They paid their dues. What can I do to help. I am a liaison for the school and the community?