First,I think you need to look into your PTO's bylaws. Our bylaws state that exec board meetings are open to all, but only members are allowed to vote, ...nothing is private in a public place.Also the bylaws will detail the expenditure procedures..I am the treasurer of our PTA, and I give a monthly financial report detailing each and every penny spent, if anyone has questions, i am there to answer them. Our bylaws indicate that the general Meeting must adopt a budget in Sept and then anything not in the budget that needs to be paid for must get approval by the general membership. So in a nutshell you must look at your bylaws. The bylaws must be made available to all members. Good Luck!!!!!!
Our minutes are distributed to all families, our financial reports are given to people at the meetings, if for some reason a "regular" isnt at the meeting I will make sure they get a copy. We do distribute a year end report to all staff and anyone who ever wants one throughout the year just needs to stop in the office.
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
Our minutes and financials are only distributed to attendees (for the sake of expenses), but the information is open to anyone who asks for it. If you go to a general meeting, ask for the information to be shared, because most treasurers are required to have this ready at meetings. If it is not given to you, ask your principal about it.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Our PTO has executive meetings in which I believe they agree to spend money on themselves after the big fundraiser as a way to pamper themselves. I don't think they are aware that this is not right. Since the exec. meetings are "private" ie, not for all members, how do I find out if this is actually what is going on? I don't think they take minutes at the meeting, or at any meeting for that matter. Do minutes have to go to members? If yes, how do I get them to realize this? It's a PTO not registered with the state as a nonprofit agency. It's more like a "private club" that someone started a long time ago...
Thanks for any help.