The records belong to the pTO , not her. She's probably feeling protective, doesn't want the information lost, but you should have a secure storage area at school for such records. The new treasurer should also be able to access the records for her own training and research. Get the files from her.
We are required to leave all previous year's records at the school in the PTO cabinet. My problem with people keeping stuff once their term is up, is if you are going ot be audited, the audit will be done at your school, not her house. Your group is responsible for keeping everything it needs. For instance, warranty information for a product purchased or receipt for something that needs to be returned. Once this person is no longer a leader, they no longer have responsibility, what they did falls back on the group. Finally, especially where treasurers are concerned, their records for the year should be audited and kept incase there are any questions to what was made or where it was spent. The fact that this person thinks they need to keep the records sounds fishy. If anything, past treasurers records are the most important to future groups because they show what has been done and how it was accomplished.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
We are a new board going in this year and our past treasurer told us we can not have the past records she is responsible for them. Wouldn't it be easy to keep them save in the school? How is this normally done? Thank you.