Originally posted by KayCee: No one likes a KnowItAll.
No, but when we know the answer to a tough question or can get the job done then it's not so bad!
Don't think we want to come off as know it alls- just informed in regards to school/PTO business.
Sorry, but your words did hurt some as I know I know too much but I am also a respected member of the staff and I'm a volunteer.
Hey, I am on the other end of the spectrum. I am the new pres. and spoke to the committee today, well they gave me hell for using the IIII syndrome. Put me in perspective. I will now have an agenda and stick to it.
Good luck.
I'd suggest you also read your by-laws so you know what your mission is, and what your official roles are. It might even say in there that you are the one who determines the agenda.
I work with a woman like your secretary and I feel for you. No one likes a KnowItAll. (And why didn't she run for president?)
Since I am at the school at the most and a lot of our meeting consists mostly of financial stuff, I (the treasurer) tend to run the meetings. I've been doing it so long and they seem to move so much faster, that no one cares.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
I guess it's good to hear I'm not the only one that has done that....I didn't mean to and you should also be happy to know I'm in Colorado! My reason for "running the show" was because I knew what was going on; answers to parents questions; who to call for what; okay- I knew the school and the President didn't.
Please don't dismiss your Secretary, but play on her strong points. Ask what is on the agenda, ask what is going on, but remind her that you need to do this. The funnest thing the dad that was Prez said about as Sec. was "you can slow her down but you can't stop her, nor should you try!" Don't stop her but help her keep you and you team on topic, time, and in tune!