Well I would say you would need to step up and the 2nd VP step up and vote for another to take her place. But does your PTO need three presidents? We just have a Pres and a VP. Also, as far as the shady past of your 2nd VP, that could be a touchy situation but in our PTO the 2 that signs checks and has anything to do with our money is the Pres, the Treasurer and then the Principal can if one of the other 2 are unavailable... something you might want to check on and make ammendments...
When I was VP the pres stepped down and was unable to attend the next meeting. I had to fill in. We had elections and I was nominated. A VP was also nominated that night. Same thing happened with that VP. A year later she resigned and her position was filled. She wouldn't say for sure she was resigning until a few hours before the meeting as I understood it ( I had just had surgery a couple of weeks before and my hubby was in the hospital after having back surgery). Our bylaws do state however that a resigning person is supposed to give a notice. I think it is ten days.
We are in a strange dilemma! This is our second year in existence. We elected our 2005-06 Pres, 1st & 2nd VP's last spring. (I am the 1st VP.) Our new Secretary and Treasurer will be elected at the 1st meeting in August. Here's the problem. Our president just found out that they are being transferred over seas in just a couple of months. She plans to resign at the beginning of the school year. Our bylaws are silent regarding this. Has this ever happened anywhere else? I could step up and take the Pres. position, but would that mean that the 2nd VP steps up to 1st VP? Our 2nd VP is of very questionable character (some embezzlement issues in her very recent past with another local organization - she was accused and she paid back the money, but charges were never filed and she maintains her innocence). Our 1st VP is a money handling position where the 2nd is NOT. Would we be better off having a new election when school starts? Is there any way I could step up and keep her where she is? I am not at all comfortable with her being anywhere near the money and am worried that it will be impossible to make progress if I am constantly having to watch her every move. Any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.