The current President, Vice President and Treasurer do not want to continue. We have been asking and asking and putting in PTO newsletters for four months that we need officers. I was wondering if you can run a PTO with only two officers or if we should disolve the group at this point. Teachers were supposed to include a "plea" for help in their newsletters but I am unsure any the teachers have done so and the deadline is Monday. Not seeing a lot of staff support this year makes it even more difficult to recruit. Hate to see the group disolve but...what do you do when no one will get involved?
If we do not have at least a Pres and a Treas then we are required to actively search for them or dissolve the group. We are not allowed to use staff to fill the positions unless they have children at the school.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Do your current President and Secretary wish to remain in their positions? Typically if no one else wants the position the current position holder can remain in their position even if their term is up.
We have 2 year terms in out PTO, but if no one wants the position that person can stay in that position indefinately.
Considering your bylaws do not say anything you are pretty much open to resolving this matter the best way possible for your group. After that you may want to ammend your bylaws to be more specific in this area.
We held Nominations at our last PTO meeting. No one was nominated for President or Secretary. Our bylaws do not address what to do in this situation. Anyone have any information on how to handle this? Can you have a PTO Board with only a Vice President and Treasurer? I have not been able to locate any information on what our next plan of action should be. We have notified parents we will accept written nominations till May 2 2005 but none received to date. Any input is appreciated.