Originally posted by Pearlie:
Any member can attend our monthly PTO meetings, but board members only can vote. A member must attend two consecutive meetings to be eligle to become a board member..... If a board member misses two consecutive meetings, they lose their voting priviledges until they have attended two consecutive meetings again. Works out quite well.
Hi Pearlie --
That's an interesting policy you have. In an effort to further the discussion (not slam, as it sounds like it's working for you), I must say I don't love the sound of it.
Couple of issues:
1. The meeting attendance requirement. I think there's a real need for parent groups to significantly (totally?) de-emphasize the importance of meetings. Why is meeting attendance the end-all, be-all? Your group is doing the opposite by making meeting attendance really the #1 qualification. Basically, a parent who works at the time of your meetings can never vote (or hold a leadership position), even if that parent is really, really involved with helping out. Ouch. Maybe she or he has to work at your meeting times every other month (but attends meetings the other months) -- she couldn't be a leader of your group either. Ouch again.
2. The voting message. Clique warning. If you've read any of my stuff on the site, you'll know that my worry about cliques is not whether you really are one, but whether the general parent population
thinks you are one. And I think this set of policies you have is likely to add to that possibility.
I can see where your policy helps to make your most involved folks feel valued (which is important and deserved). But I think the policy likely makes it extra, extra hard to connect with and engage those less-connected parents (one of the biggest challenges of a parent group).
My $0.02.
[ 01-22-2005, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: Rockne ]