Our school board agenda's are sent to all buildings in the district and some of them choose to post them. All pta presidents get the agendas as well as the minutes in the mail. Regular citizens can get them (mailed) as well by requesting them.
There are two formal times that guests can talk at board meetings - at the beginning and at the end. If you want to be put on the agenda you must ask for that ahead of time. I usually attend one meeting a month (there are two) and because I'm a familiar face, I can get by with speaking out during the meeting during the regular business time. Since our sort of local newspaper doesn't really cover these meetings on a consistent basis and the minutes don't really tell you what happened, attending is the only way to see what's really going on.
Our school system has a tv channel and they post the board agendas there, I think. If you want to speak at one of the meetings you have to notify them ahead of time.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Our school board tries to post it on the web but it doesn't seem to keep it up to date. They do however have a public forum at the beginning of each meeting that the public can talk about about topic that concerns them. They then have one at the end that you can discuss what they did that night, only problem with this is that they have already voted on it. Hope this helps!
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
I could use some info. about school boards.
Does your school board post their agenda in advance to let parents know what they will be discussing at the next board meeting.
I could use an answer asap.