That is such a shame. Our pricipal and the whole staff are so glad to have the PTO around to take care of the stuff that we do.
Why does the principal have so much time to get into the PTO business? :confused:
Your principal has the right to disband your PTO if she wants, but if you guys signed the contract to do the fundraiser then you should be collecting, counting and running your fundraiser. We have had this problem at our school and I have had to call our district's main building and discuss it with several people before I could find someone to get this all straightened out for me. If you don't want her running your PTO, then get back in charge of it. It's up to you.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
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20 years 1 month ago#59175by <>
We have a principal and her secretary who seems to be trying to push the PTO out of the school and take it over themselves. The principal has not been to a meeting since Feb. of last year. She has taken the fundraiser that we usually do every year and has the fundraiser company doing all the collecting,counting, and distributing all the stuff,now we wonder if we will even get the money now or will it go right to the school. Our secretary has tried getting on the account so she could get into the account. We are just frustrated and do not know what we can or should do, we are not sure what authority she has when it comes to deciding on PTO issues, it is a real mess. We need help and some advice on knowing what exactly right we have and what actions we should take?!!! Please HELP!!