I'm not sure about the general legalities, but our policy requires receipts and a completed reimbursement form. Our Bylaws specify that the completed request (receipts must be included for the reqeust to be complete) must be submittted within 45 days or it will be denied. A few years ago, we had a problem a little like yours. We ended up reimbursing $700+ for merchandise that should have been returned to the vendor. We learned our lesson and the "45 day" bylaw is the result of that painful lesson.
Do your bylaws or policies help answer your question? It might be time to adopt a tighter control to protect against future problems like this.
I am hoping someone here might know the legal end on this question. We have 2 separate bank accounts for our PTO, one for the general membership and a second one for our 8th grade activities. We had a very difficult year with last years 8th grade committee members and I am still waiting on receipts from them to cover money they have already been given. I have one person in particular that owes me receipts from our general membership account, but needs to be reimbursed from the 8th grade account for something else. The recepits they owe me are for over $500 and they are owed $54. Do I have a right as the treasurer to hold that check until all the other receipts are turned in or not.