Let her think that you'll be the fall guy and create the grandest parent group ever. It won't be easy but you can get a group of teachers and parents together working toward your goals and then everyone starts having fun. That way you'll have your support, there is always going to be someone angry about something, some people just look for things.
THank You I appreciate your response. Most of the suggestions you made I have allready attemped or am in the process of I think My main problem is that the principle and liaison are my biggest obstacles THe parent liaison ecspecialy she all but said the only reason she wants a president is to have someone to send angry parents to other than that they have it all covered I'm just nervous being the new guy and not having any support. You know as long as I m doing my job their way kind of thing! Anyways thanks for your help any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated Thanks alot
When they say "That's the way we've always done it," you can say, "That's nice, let's see how this works."
First make a list of goals. Then make committees, don't try to take everything on single handedly, there are probably some eager beavers out there waiting to be asked. Talk to your principal or Liason about all the red tape (if you want to have bylaws and get your tax status, etc). Make agenda's for your meetings, you could even send those out before the meetings. Share your enthusiasim, it's usually catchy. Be patient, Rome was not built in a day and compromise. If they have rich traditions they are not going to change. Have an argument ready to back your ideas up. Sometimes you can be pushy and bossy in a nice way. We all need a little push sometimes. Form a good team, encourage everyone to be involved. You can make that happen by information. Send out newsletters, make bulletin boards, web pages, if you have a local paper you can use it.
Hi everyone I have been reading the message board and have found alot helpful, however I'd like to ask a few specific questions. I am the Vice-chair person of a headstart parent policy committee/council that has strict guidelines and bylaws I have just been elected president of what the elementary calles parent club only I wasn't elected or voted in I was just told pick what you want to be and there you go at the first meeting of the year. THe meeting was ran by a parent liaison who also was secretary,treasuer ect. THere are no bylaws, no guidelines, nothing! Their last meeting in May was six minutes long and the minutes taken were VERY breif. They have no organization and I'm used to alot of organization My questions: Where do I start? How do I whip this into shape without being pushy or bossy I heard alot of 'thats just how we've always done it' This group needs help and I can do it I just don't want to alienate any of the parents or teachers Any ideas welcome THanks