How is the school running your PTO? Do you have a treasurer? Sounds to me like there is no PTO, but a school who is leading you to believe you ARE the PTO.
Ok everyone from Page2 get over here and issue a little advice!
We are still in office from last year. I have been in 2 years. The President 3 years different office, and Vice -pres. 1 year. We want to turn our seats over. We told the school we would not stay on due to the other 2 people. Now a meeting needs to be set. So how do we do all this. Should we say it is a law. Or is there one? We have NO bylaws. BIG MESS in MISSISSIPPI. :confused:
I'm afraid you will still have to elaborate a little more for us to help you. I am not sure what you mean by
We were put in all this time. There a 2 problems with our PTO. A Sec and a chair person
. Do you mean you were just put into this position (by someone?) or you have put in a lot of time? Do you mean those two people are giving you a hard time? It is a little sketchy but you have come to the right place for help if you could provide us with more.... :confused:
We have been on for 2 years. We were put in all this time. There a 2 problems with our PTO. A Sec and a chair person. The other one is we have no By- laws to follow. The princaple is sending out letters now. As if the school were PTO. Should we just set a meeting or the school take over?
Just stand up. Ha ha--sorry--first day of school today; I'm wiped out and a little punchy.
The quick answer is that some of this should be spelled out in your bylaws in terms of who would succeed you, whether people would be voted in or appointed, etc. If nothing else, there's the common sense law of not burning your bridges and helping to make as orderly a transition as possible.
This sounds pretty drastic, though, to have 3 people leaving office at the beginning of the school year. Maybe if you give us some details we could give better advice?
I need to find out something. We are a PTO at an elm. There a 3 officers wanting to leave their seats. We have to know the right way this should be handled. It is just a BIG BIG mess.