JHB where are you? I've taken the plunge AGAIN. This time I'm pres of a middle school PTO in Texas. The school and PTO have a long history and tradition - one of which is NOT having their own 501(c)(3) status, but rather "relying" on the schools. I know it's not right, and papers go out frequently that tell parents that their true donation to blah blah blah PTO are deductible to the full extent of the law. Correct me if I'm wrong - as we do not have the appropriate status through the IRS - we aren't being truthful and they could get in trouble if some overzealous IRS agent looked into it far enough? (O.K. - then does my NPN insurnace cover me - I'm digressing, sort of.)
Anyway - could I please get a good list of reasons why we need our own (other than I and the principal want it) so that our board will be a little more amenable to shelling out the $550 or so?