I do not understand how he can be an aide in an after school program (I am assuming he was paid) but not be allowed to sign a contract saying that he agrees to volunteer his time for duties of a parent group.
I am glad the boy is eager to sacrifice his time for a good cause, he is setting a good example for his younger siblings, but as a mom I feel that a boy his age should be going out on dates and ball games, spending time with kids his own age.
This is a Parent Teacher Association, right? There is a lot I do not understand about the PTA, but our PTO's by laws state that in order to me an officer, even a member you must have a child in school or be on staff. I figure your by laws has you qualifactions included somewhere.
Of course he could sue for discrimination because it only allows parents and teachers to be recognized members....JUST KIDDING!
Since he won the election it appears this is what your group wants, I hope everything works out for you.