We also use some sort of relaxed Robert's Rules. One of the best "rules" is this. When you have something that you want to vote on, it's best to get someone to put it into words for a motion, make the motion, get a second and then ask for discussion. After a SHORT discussion period, ask for the vote.
In groups other then our PTA, I've seen people bring up something that they want to complain about and it's not really an action item. So everyone talks about it for awhile, no action is agreed on and then the issue comes up again at another meeting.
We use the basics of RRO - motions, seconding, "all in favor", use of an agenda, the format of our minutes, etc. But there are other helpful tips in RRO that only come up once in a while like advice on nominations and voting.
I purchased two small books at Borders for about $5 each. Both are summarizations of the 706 total pages of the real RRO book. I have found it helpful to refer to this independent expert when we aren't sure the best way to do something administrative. The two books I have (though there are others) are:
1. The Modern Edition: Robert's Rules of Order by Darwin Patnode, Ph.D.
2. Robert's Rules in Plain English by Doris P. Zimmerman
20 years 6 months ago#58472by somuchloveformy2kids
This may already be addressed on another board but...
Does anyone have a sort of cheat sheet for RR. We should be using RR according to our by-laws but no-one on our board really knows it. We hold our meetings really informally, but after reading some posts I can see the need for a little more structure.
We use roberts rules with a grain of salt! It is nice to follow the format so to speak but how you word things and being more friendly and casual works for us in the discussion area but we do make sure all our motions and voting is by the book it helps with people coming at you after for things they don't agree with! there's always one of those around! Good Luck!
It helps. I did not know about RR the first, but we were using them all along. I think a little formallity is important but if we go to formal around here it would scare people. We are just plain and simple. It's nice to know the rules when situations you aren't clear about come up. There are several people on here that know alot more about it than I do. I am sure you will get some great advice.
I am hoping to start a PTO in our school and I was wondering what people think of robert's rules of order-- I got a copy of the book--and it seams so formal to me.Do you really need to run a meeting this way?