"If someone does want that position, they must run against the existing member to win it." Sounds like a stacked deck to me! I would never have become corresponding secretary, 2nd VP or President of our PTA if I had to run against an incumbent. IMHO, that's how you turn people away and make the board a real clique.
We have 2 year maximum term limits for all board members except for the treasurer, whose term is three years. We have elections every year and like momwithboys, most people stay on for the two year term. I really like that rule, it forces us to look for new people and keeps things fresh.
Our by-laws set 3year term limits, but we only have to serve a one year. (If that makes any sense) We seem to get better participation that way because people don't feel like they're trapped in a position that doesn't suite them. It also gives people an out if their life circumstances change. We do try to keep our Vice president as the next President elect so that we'll always have someone "in training". It hasn't worked perfectly in every situation, but for the most part is successful. We do have a clause in our by-laws that allows a person to contine in a position if no one expresses intrest. In most cases if you've been doing your job well, your ready for a change after three years. It's important to actively encourage new people and new ideas coming in to keep your group energised. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I realize everyone's bylaws are alittle different, but how long should an executive PTO member be allowed to remain in office. We are in the process of changing our bylaws, and some of the members want to leave it as indefinate as long as the person wants the position, their child still goes to that school and no one else wants that position. If someone does want that position, they must run against the existing member to win it. Which is a whole different story. We orginally had it set for a 2 year term, but changed it to a 3 year. Now they want to change it again.