Our Principal is also a part of our PTA board but does not have voting rights. It's important to have her work so closely with us so we all know what's going on. She attends our monthly board meetings and monthly PTA general meetings.
I didn't say have to, I just said should. A lot of the decisions that the executive board makes includes the use of the building, the time of the students and more. This is the principal's area.
(I am talking about the main principal not vice although the vice is sometimes on the board in place of the principal)
Again, this is not the elected board but the board of directors and then it goes into quorum etc. Giving them this part of your group doesn't in any way give them total control or even a substantial part of it. It does however, include them in the process. They still have to vote like the rest of you and they only get one vote but they can have something valuable to contribute and consider when making the decisions.
Again, I didn't say have to, just should.
A little aside to the topic, but a comment to Michelle's post< our principals are not on our board and they really do not choose to make any decisions regarding our group. They come to the meetings and FULLY support us but NOT as a board member. I do not believe that principals HAVE to be on a board or an Executive board.
Your Principal really should be on your executive board. Our state sample bylaws include the officers (which is the board) committee chairs, teacher representatives, student representatives, and principal. They conduct the in between business as it is referred to them by the membership, selects the auditors, approve payment of bills and other important jobs. cutting out other participants seems a little fishy to me and would likely raise a few red flags to at least a few other people.
you are right to be concerned but it also sounds like they have taken too much power and set a small precedence already by not having the membership vote on anything. You will need some assistance in fixing this.
Scared--in a word: YES. I guess by the "parent" in PTO they mean them! I just don't see how that's possible! There are just too many points against doing such a thing! The logisitcs of it! And if they think they can do it all themselves....
People never cease to amaze me. What does your principal have to say about all this?
PTO Mom & Dad -- I believe the thought process behind the Pres is that through out the year we have held "executive board" meetings where all decisions have been made and very little has actually been done at the "public" meetings (even at the public meetings only the board is actually called to vote). She is afraid that if a member realized thier right to vote she could get into trouble for holding meetings this way.