Oh gee why does this one seem right up my ally [img]smile.gif[/img]
Tim said it, there is NO national PTO! Your President is mistaken.
The term of office for the PTO, PTA or whatever is dictated by YOUR by-laws, constitution, Charter, rules - whatever you all call it.
Since there is no national or even state PTO so there is no policy, that is the great thing about being a PTO - you get to mess this up all by yourselves without anyone form the outside telling you how to! And I love it!
The closest thing I can think of is the National PTO Network. Perhaps your group joined the NPN (an added-value service we provide).
If that's it, it still sounds like a misperception. The National PTO Network puts no requirements ("must do it this way") on member groups. Instead, the NPN offers best practices insight and suggestions, not directives.
Is there anything in the National PTO that dictates the president's position is a two-year term? We were just a PTO, now the new President has stated that the PTO "went National" and her position will be a two year position not up for election next year. This matter is complicated by the issue that no one on the board or in the general membership remembers voting on this drastic change in policy. Suffice to say many members are not pleased with this 'change in policy', however, many of don't believe most of what is stated by the PTO president as fact.
Isn't there some kind of National PTO policy on this matter?