Dear active and involved parents,
Our Elementary school PTO is not chartered as a lobbying group, neither is the only other parent organization, the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), which I serve on. This fall, the County's new superintendent of schools urged parents to "advocate for quality education at every opportunity."
Yet, recently, a local county legislative issue came up that would severly impact schools in the near future. I tried to raise awareness with parents, but was disuaded from informting parents of this legislative issue for fear of breaking the "anti-lobbying" by-laws of the two groups.
It was most frustrating having to advocate for the schools only outside the school, which I tried via the media and talking to neighbors and writing to my couty council.
I have requested that a committee be formed under the PTO to keep abreast of local, county, state, and federal issues impacting education and quality, safe school environments. Give parents the option to act, and maybe even, by adjusting the by-laws, lobby as a united group.
I think showing our children how to be active US citizens is very important to our Democracy. After all, the school is used as a voting center and we as parents should be showing them by example how to be heard and counted for and not just on election night.
Any suggestions on how we can take this first step toward county, state and federal awareness, discussion and action? I see this committee as "PTA Lite" (getting them to charter a PTA is an obstacle I personnaly don't want to tackle at this time). But one of the things I have done is personally joined the PTA just to get their info sent my way.
I do think I can pursuade them to start a new PTO Committee. Your input will greatly help me as I lead the school into a new arena, and in showing the current school leadership how it could be done. I have only one child in the system and she is in K, so I have only a few months inside knowledge but I can offer 20 years professional experience in community relations, writing, publishing, PR, marketing, lobbying, grantmaking, recruiting, and buget and administration. I think I have a lot to offer to the school in volunteer time and appreciate your time in helping me out.
Thank You So Much,
Uncommon Woman