It's been awhile since I did one, but the basic principal is pretty simple (assuming your PTO is like most and has only a banking account as a financial asset):
Begining Bank Balance
+ Revenues
- Expenses
Ending Bank Balance
Slicing and dicing your transactions (revenue/expenses) to match the lines on 990 is what might take awhile. But after the first time, you may rethink how you code and report transactions internally during the year to make it easier to pull it all together at the end for 990.
To see samples of what others have done, go to
and use "PTO" (or PTA) in your search criteria. That will bring up a list of PTOs that are 501c3 and have their information posted there - often with the 990's.
We put our info into an Excel spreadsheet first and then transfer to the form once we have it all balanced. I think I can dig up an old one.
If you register (and allow your email to shows up on your profile) others will be able to email you things that might help. Post again with an email addess(or contact me off line - click on the icon of roledex card) and I'll send you the spreadsheet.
Good Luck!
[ 07-10-2003: Message edited by: JHB ]</p>