Our current President recently received a written proposal to amend the by-laws. The letter that accompanied this proposal, requested that the proposal be presented to the members at the next meeting and voted on. This letter was not signed. The proposal was properly submitted according to the by-laws, which states amendments must be proposed in writting to the President at least 7 days prior to any given meeting date. Granted, the proposed amendment was to change the current PTO 2 Executive Board positions, which nominations had already been accepted for and the members would be voting on at that meeting. However, this proposal was not even considered by the President. She addressed the fact that this anonymous letter was received, and that she felt that it should not be even discussed due to the fact that it was not signed. The Principal and maybe 2 other members spoke in favor of her decision to ignore this proposal, solely on the fact that it was not signed. I disagreed, but was out numbered. My thinking is that issues, ideas, motions, and even amendments should all be made anonymously in order to perserve a more democratic vote. In the past I have seen several times that members have voted for or against a motion solely on the basis of who brought it to the table. I have heard things like "I'll vote for anything she wants, just to shut her up" or "I really didn't like her idea, but she one of my best friends and I felt obligated". The Principal responded to me, by saying that we are all adults and should come forth with our ideas, and the rest of us should respect these ideas as adults. I agree with this statement, but unfortunately, although we are all adults, many of us do not act like adults. I got nowhere, but I was curous about how others feld on this subject.