Okay...Just as I was afraid of...In my frustration I made a bit of a confusing post.
--Yes there was money taken, but it was returned..BUT it was while the money has been under booster club control, not district.
--People have talked to other schools in our district and been told that they Ed. Found. has NOT said no to anything they asked for. The booster club fills out a form saying they need X amount to pay for X project or expense. The booster club can keep their own account for up to $1000 to cover expenses that are last minute to avoid going through Ed Found. (based at our district's central office). Once the club has spent that down some, they simply go to Ed Found and fill out a form that they need X amount to replish our regular bank account. This would help to prevent big money being taken.
--I personally feel like this would be a benefit and the club has decided to be strictly volunteers, with no financial involvement. Our principal has said she will NOT be a fundraiser. That is not her job. I agree or there would be no need for booster clubs. We all know the amount of work that goes into fundraisers and how crazy are we to expect our principal to take on that task??
--The other booster clubs that are involved in it now, have not had any problems, but now the current treasurer has got them convinced to not participate, spend down their monies and just be volunteers. At the middle school level, that may work, but in elementary? No field trips? No parties? No snack days? No new library books? No replacing computers or software? Maybe she's right...maybe our egos should give us that power.