Since every PTO (regardless of the acronym) is an independent organization, the only rules are those your PTO sets itself. Take a look at your Bylaws to see if there is any language that addresses your issue. If it's not spelled out in your Bylaws, then it is open for debate amongst your members.
I suppose every PTO occasionally wrestles with this issue - must every dollar we spend benefit ALL the students equally?? In our case, not necessarily. But that depends on your PTO and its members' attitudes.
I'm new to this board. Please forgive me if this is not the poper forum to ask this question.
Are there any rules that state how fundraiser money is to be spent?
Would it be proper to have an entire school participate in a fundraiser to pay for a field trip but then exclude a small group of children from attending?
I know that ethically this is wrong but am wondering if there is anything that addresses this issue.