Raesmom: We have items to be discussed listed as an agenda, always with a place for unscheduled new business. These items come from either unresolved items from a previous meeting, or items that have come up between meetings. We do discuss things before a motion is made, so that our members get a chance to hear all sides or info, then if it calls for, we make a motion and/or vote. We have a pretty relaxed way of doing things. the more formal it is, the less people speak up. Good Luck and from all of us Thanks for volunteering at your child's school!
Is there a relax form of roberts rules? We are in the process of makeing up bylaw,and as a general rule for know we are going to use some basic guide lines when having our meetings in hopes to avoid any misunderstanding. We have came up with a motion,2nd dicussion and vote. Can any one tell me how they run their monthly meetings? :confused: :confused: