Nominations or not - I am NOT above (or is that below) just picking up the phone and calling people. You and those who work the most know who volunteers and would be good leadership material. Split up that list and each of you make a few calls asking if they are willing to take on a board position. You don't have to tell them that no one else has stepped up, and play up the great frienships you have established and the fun you've had. I wouldn't go so far as lying about how much work is involved, but I would take a don't ask don't tell stance to that - if they ask, be honest, if they don't - talk about all the fun stuff! Good luck!
We generally take nominations for new officers from the March meeting until the April meeting at which time they are voted on. At least three of our four current officers are stepping down and we don't have anyone interested in their positions. Our by-laws don't include anything about there being no one to run for office! Does anyone know what we do if that should happen? Just curious. Surely someone will step up at the last minute so the PTO doesn't fold.