You need to look at your By-Laws to see what they say about approved the expenditure of funds. Some have provisions for $XX that the Board can aprrove and over that amount has to be presened and voted on at a regularly scheduled PTO meeting.
The way ours is right now, everything needs to be voted on by the general PTO members at the monthly meetings. My last school allowed the executive board to approve expenditures up to $500 without taking it to the general membership.
I am the treasurer for our PTO group and it seems unclear to us when issues should be voted on at the board level as opposed to being voted on at our PTO meeting. I understand that the budget should be voted on at the board level and at the PTO meeting. When I redirect funds from one budget line to another do I need to get a vote at the PTO meeting? Our board is considering setting up a memorial for a teacher who died with the funds from our holiday fair. Do I have to have a vote at the board level and the PTO meeting? If a committee asks for more funds at a PTO meeting who decides if they should get it? The PTO members present or should the PTO board vote right there. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.