SECTION II. DUTIESPRESIDENT (SPOKESPERSON)1. Preside at all meetings of the organization and of the executive committee.2. Perform such other duties as assigned by the organization.3. Member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee.4. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization in order thatthe objectives may be accomplished.5. Serve as an authorized signatory of all PTO checks.6. Serve on the District 20 Sounding Board by attending monthly meetings.7. Submit PTO News to the monthly Pioneer Newsletter.8. Organize the mini-grant program.VICE PRESIDENT (CO-SPOKESPERSON)1. Attend all PTO meetings.2. In the event the President is unable to attend meetings, the Vice-President willpreside.3. Should the President be unable to complete his/her term, the Vice-President wouldassume the office of President.4. Maintain the P.T.O. bulletin board.SECRETARY1. Attend all PTO meetings and record the official minutes.2. Distribute a summary of the minutes.3. In the event the President and Vice-President are unable to attend a meeting, theSecretary will preside.4. Update and distribute the yearly P.T.O. Information Packet after it has beenproofread by the President.TREASURER1. Attend all PTO meetings.2. Serve as an authorized signatory on all PTO accounts.3. Maintain accounts and present a financial statement at each PTO meeting.4. At the end of the current school year, the treasurer will prepare and present a writtenannual financial report to the incoming board.COMPUTER LIAISON1. Attend all PTO meetings.2. Assemble and preserve a record of all the activities and achievements of the PTO and school community.HOSPITALITY PERSON(S)1. Attend all PTO meetings.2. Arrange snacks and beverage for all PTO General Meetings.3. Chairperson for Ice Cream Social, Donuts with Dad and Morning with Momservice events, and both Teacher Appreciation Luncheons.4. Coordinate, purchase, and distribute hospitality items for all staff.VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR(S)1. Attend all PTO meetings.2. Coordinate volunteers but not necessarily chair the following events:- Fall Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - Fall Book Fair- Holiday Shop - Vision and Hearing Screening- Spring Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - Spring Book Fair- Donuts with Dad - Morning with MomEvent distribution needs to be approved by the President. Other functions can be added as needed.PUBLICITY PERSON(S)1. Attend all PTO meetings.2. Update and distribute yearly PTO Information Packet (to be proofed by President).3. Distribute all PTO-related literature, as appropriate, to the community.MEMBER(S)-AT-LARGE1. Should attend all PTO meetings, when relevant.2. Chair one or more of the PTO events, but not limited to the following OMINO'S PIZZA NIGHT CAMPBELL SOUP LABELS SCHOLARSHIPSCHOOL SUPPLY KITS STUDENT DIRECTORY GOLD CFIELD DAY POPSICLES MORNING WITH MOM DONUTS WITH DAD RECOGNITION AWARDS BACK-TO-SCHOOL GIFTS HOLIDAY SHOPFALL/SPRING BOOK FAIRS STUDENT DIRECTORY ICE CREAM SOCIALFALL/SPRING TEACHER APPRECIATION DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE REPRESENTATIVE1. Attend all PTO meetings.2. Act as advisor and liaison between staff and PTO.3. Serve as authorized signatory on all checks.4. Administrator or ex-officio will serve as non-voting member. The administratorretains final approval or veto power of any function, if said function will interfere withprocedures, policy and/or the best interest of Pioneer Elementary School.
I am new to posting here and I have a question
regarding positions on the PTO Board. Could you
folks share with me the job descriptions you have
for each position on the PTO? I am hoping to
get a description of what the President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary all do (should do) so that
we can start this year off running smoothly. Your input either on this message board or via email would be greatly appreciated!