If you are using the school's EIN number, then the money does belong to the school. If you have your own tax number, then I think what we have here is a failure to communicate...lol... Go to the bank. Tell them you need to change the account number and order new checks. Tell the Principal that his/her signature is not valid on your checks and that 'fraud' and 'forgery' are nasty crimes... LOL... OK, only do the first thing... Change the account number, order new checks, get new signature cards at the bank.
This is my first year as PTO pres., so alot that I learned was from last year as vice pres. Our school's pricipal has basically taken over all our PTO funds and has appointed herself as the sole check writer of the PTO check book. It is stated in our by-laws that she is only there to give advice nothing else. What do you think we should do diplomaticly to let her know she is wrong?
When you find out the answer, please let me know. I am in the same boat. Our school is one that tends to "overlook" things like this. Their view is that as long as the kids are happy, then what does it matter. I would welcome any advice anyone has on this matter.