I found several condensed books about RRO at our local bookstore for about $5 each. The total RRO is hundreds of pages, most of which does not apply to our type of organization. You might consider "The Modern Edition/Robert's Rules of Order" by Patnode, or "Robert's Rules in Plain English" by Zimmerman. Even these simplified versions have alot of material that is too complex for PTO (the multitudes of various types of motions, especially), but they cover the basics very well.
You describe yourself as "casual". Maybe Parlimentarian isnt the best job for you. The fact that your PTO has a parlimentarian position and some of the members really know the rules, seems to indicate a desire to have the meetings run in a formal style. You might face opposition if your style as parlimentarian is too casual for your members.
At our PTO , we use RRO procedures for voting, motions, agendas, and overall meeting flow, but I do agree that too much RRO can bog down a meeting. However, it is a wonderful tool for keeping discussion moving and getting the business of PTO accomplished at a meeting in an efficient manner.
I have been asked to consider being our Parlimentarian. Is there an easy way to understand Robert's Rules and how they apply to PTO Meeting's without the books. They seem to me to apply most effectively companies,etc. I have, ofcourse, my common sense ideas on this issue; but I know that many involved in PTO have memorized these rules and complain if there not adhered to strictly. I tend to be more casual...
I need some advise quickly so I know how to answer her.....