^Hello three^ Our prinipal told us we would be covered for any liabilties with the school district. Sound Right? Now if we had someone taking money we would be up a creek! Thanks for the info!
Did I miss it or did you not give a date? I could have missed it. I tend to glance over things sometimes. Any idea on when this will be going online, other than a couple of weeks?
PTO Queen,
PTO insurance is very important. You have your officers bonded and your protected against liabilities. Legally, any event Sponsored by the PTO is PTO's responsibility for any liabilities that may occur. Any person attending the event that may slip and fall or a child is hurt your organization can be held reposnbile legally. If your organization doesn't have any insurance then they can come after your PERSONAL ASSETTS because your a board member. Any money missing. May be replaced with insurance. There was a lady in a neighboring district that was a board member of a booster club she took 12K. It was all over the media. How can someone do that to a organization. It can happen. Now, if they had insurance it could of been replaced. Well, they didn't now what happens. The mother plans to pay it back slowy. Now these kids have been raising money for different programs. Then to that falls back on the organization having proper paperwork to account for checks written and approvals. Don't want to change the subject but that was the point I was trying to make. The district we are in states in their hand book that they are in no way responsible for any accidents that may happen at the independent organizations event. PTO is a independent organization from the scool.
PTO Queen - peace of mind and law suit protection. Unfortunately, there are people out there who will sue for the sake of suing, not thinking that PTO is there to benefit the kids & the school. For example - should you have a fun fair event and someone gets hurt and sues the organizer of the event, that's PTO - you have insurance to cover that. My understanding is that without the insurance if there is a suit against the PTO then the organizers of the event (committee, officers) can be held personally responsible to answer. Actually, if I understand it correctly, it's possible for them to sue both - I am NOT a sue happy person, I am at the other end of the scale to be sure - but I am also a cautious person which is why I'm insisting that our new group have insurance in place before we have any events. Hope that helps, and sorry that we live in such a litigious society where the question had to be asked in the first place.