Hello, fellow PTO-ers. Here I am again, asking for your advice, ideas, and suggestions... Back in January, some members of the executive committee got together, but I (the secretary) was never told about the "gathering." Afterewards, I was told they had just met, and didn't realize that I was the only exec board member not notified. But then, minutes to the "meeting" were emailed to everyone, with, get this, signed by the person who took them: "Mary JOnes for Sue Smith, Recording SEcretary"...!!! I advised her that she can't do that since I had no idea about the meeting, and she agreed. But, now some members are using technicalities to avoid implementing things that have been voted on, so I would like to give them a taste of their own medicine, and file a formal grievance about this so-called meeting. Without my knowledge of it, doesn't that make it an illegal meeting? And how, and to whom, should I submit my grievance to? Any info anyone could provide me would be most greatly appreciated! Thank you, once again, for all your help!