Your by-laws should specify when you take office. In ours, it says the new officers take over at the close of the last meeting in May. Customarily, a president should help close out the year - ideally working with the new president those last few days. Even though, technically, our new president was "in charge" the last two weeks of school, she mostly just left it to me to finish up the few activities still in process. In turn, I kept her in the loop and asked her opinion on some decisions. So, it was an easy transfer. Now that school is over for us, she's taking the leadership role and has called a summer planning meeting for next week.
I was voted in president in May. However, I was under the ipmression that the past president would finish the school year out and I would begin my duties in the fall. Is this how it works???
The past prseident is very controling and wants things done "her" way and has dumped the last event on me and now is dumping the track & field day we're having on me. However, has given me no notes, no direction, no contacts, nothing. But she has her nose stuck right in there.