Technically, a PTO is a separate legal entity. However, in reality, we are a support organization that must operate not only according to appropriate state/federal laws (for non-profits) but also within the policies and rules set by the district, the principal, and the schools. Many of the latter are not well documented, may be arbitrary, and are often inconsistent. It's not like being in business where you can just choose not to do business with a group if you don't like the way they operate - you pretty much have to find a way to make it work. And this includes choosing your battles.
Many schools/districts are looking at increasing control over fundrasing money in various ways and there are lots of pros and cons as to if this is appropriate and to what degree. It ranges from the concept that the primary purpose of the PTO is strictly to be a volunteer organization to the idea that the PTO is absolutely, positively independent and should control all fundraising within a school. (Obviously, most fall somewhere between the two extremes.) The drivers seem to be 1) tighter budgets for the schools, and 2) problems around the country with mismanagement of PTO/PTA funds. Really, aside from membership dues whether a school or the PTO "owns" a fundraising activity (bookfair, catalog sale, directory, pictures, yearbook, etc.) varies from place to place.
You can't afford to alienate the principal, but you may be able to move forward with setting up the infrastructure of your group without his help. Meanwhile, can you find out what the district policy is about PTOs and how money is controlled? I'd balk at just handing over all the funds, and I'd make a case that such a plan would negatively effect parent involvement and amount of funds raised.
Can you perhaps suggest a compromise? Two years ago our district auditor directed the schools take back all or part of the big fundraisers because of various mismanagement problems in the district. Our compromise was that we retained the Fall sale (the big one) and the school owns the Spring sale. We still organize and provide volunteers for the Spring sale, but the proceeds go directly to the school. (It's also the way Bookfair is run.) Everyone knows this up front, and it works well for us.
Good luck!
[ 05-08-2002: Message edited by: JHB ]</p>