I am also in Pennsylvania. I looked through my PA PTA info and didn't see anything saying you couldn't be a President of two different PTA's but here's the web
I'm sure you could e-mail someone there to confirm it. Good luck! Kathie
As far as for PTA it is not against the bylaws in NY, to be the President of one PTA and the President of another PTA. Each PTA is a separate organization with its own tax ID# and IRS id#..
our by laws say nothing about it but was wondering if the state by laws say anything
I can't get my hands on a copy of our state by laws and also just thought it was a conflict of interest.
Please read your by-laws. I've never heard of no reason why you couldn't. Just read the by-laws of each school. If it says you can't serve into different PTO organizations then I guess you can't. I had a friend once that was the VP in middle school and secretary for elementary.
My Name is Peggy and I am from Pittsburgh PA
I am just wonder if anyone know that if you can be a president @ 2 differnet schools? Example
If I had a child on elementary and one in high school..... Is this breaking a by law or not?
and info would be great thanks