Check your by-laws to see what you already have stated. As a basic tenet, every officer should be obligated to uphold the policies of the organization. Regardless of what her job description is, if it's a policy that things be reviewed or approved before distribution, everyone should follow it.
I'll copy the in the section from our by-laws that deals with officers' duties. (Sorry, but that's going to make this reply pretty long.) Good Luck!
Section 1 – All Members on the Executive Board will:
1. Support the objectives of the Northwest Elementary PTO and uphold its policies and principles.
2. Help recruit committee chairpersons for all vacant standing committees of the board.
3. Solicit the budget and plan of work from the chairperson of all committees placed reporting to their office.
4. Assist the chairperson of any committee under their office at the request of the chairperson.
5. Maintain documentation related to their function and deliver this documentation and any official materials to their successor within ten (10) day after the meeting at which the successor was elected.
Section 2 - The President shall:
1. Preside at all meetings of this PTO and the Executive Board.
2. Be a member ex-officio of all standing and special committees but shall not serve on the nominating committee.
3. Appoint the chairperson for special committees.
4. Coordinate the work of the officers and committee chairpersons of this PTO in order that the objectives of this PTO may be promoted.
5. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.
Section 3 - The Vice President/ shall:
1. Act as an aide to the President.
2. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
3. Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board.
4. Coordinate the general activities of any Special Committees created by the Executive Board.
Section 4 - The Secretary shall:
1. Keep the minutes of all general meetings and all meeting of the Executive Board.
2. Conduct correspondence and perform all other duties assigned.
3. Help recruit committee chairpersons for all vacant standing committees of the board.
4. Keep the calendar of events for the PTO and distribute information as necessary for publication in the media.
Section 5 - The Treasurer shall:
1. Be responsible for and have custody of all funds of this PTO.
2. Be present at all PTO events where money will be collected.
3. Count all money with two people present, and deposit all cash in the bank on the same day received or no later than the following business day and all checks within 5 business days. If unable to be deposited on the day received, the money must be held at the school in the designated locked area.
4. Collect and keep a full accurate account of receipts and expenditures of all money of this PTO.
5. Develop with the Executive Board an annual budget to be distributed to and approved by the membership of this PTO at the first general membership meeting of the school year.
6. Co-sign all checks and release no check without two signatures.
7. Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board, or this PTO in accordance with the budget adopted by this PTO.
8. Administer the funds of the organization under the direction of the Executive Board.
9. Make financial reports at all organization meetings and at other times requested by the Executive Board.
10. Prepare the books for the annual audit in May and at the end of every semester during the school year. A full written financial report will be submitted to the incoming Executive Board by the close of the school year.
11. Submit the books annually, or upon change of officer, for an audit by an auditor or an auditing committee.
Section 6 - The Parliamentarian shall:
1. Have and bring to all meetings a current copy of this Constitution and By-Laws.
2. Advise on parliamentary procedures at all meetings.
3. Refer to Robert’s Rules of Order for all matters not in conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 7 - Past President shall:
1. Be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
2. Chair the nominations committee.
There are general job descriptions for many positions posted on our council web site.
It would not be a bad idea to put this in your bylaws or standing rules. It would require two meetings (standing rules one meeting) but I think it may be worth it. It may not stop her from doing it but, you will have at least taken precautionary measures about such things and clear you of any liability in her correspondance. Do let your principal and staff know that she has refused to go through proper channels so they are aware. Best wishes
ust elected PTO co-president for the 2000-2001 school year. Does anyone know the acctual job discribtion for Secretary,Treasure, and co presidents. Any suggestions for By-Laws
[This message has been edited by Marie (edited 05-30-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Marie (edited 06-02-2001).]