I too believe that the new school PTO should not expect the old school to give a certain percentage of their proceeds. Instead, I feel they should ask for a donation to help them get started. I agree w/plw, they usually have time to be making plans in advance.
I guess I am LUCKY because come the fall OUR new school will open and the 2 schools that we are taking kids from gave us donations without any problems!!
Taylor, as in most cases you know in advance what will be happening-which is a good thing! So now would be the time for the PTA and PTO's to make some decisions on how they will handle the new schools situation. You may even have time to organize a PTO for the new schools before the first day of classes. It would be they who make the plans for that first year and know how much start up money they will need and figure out how to raise that. This is not to say that the existing PTO's will not help. Of course they can. Just try to establish these things now so you are not in the same position as childrenfirst. Some thoughts on that would be: an additional fundraiser; the present schools giving up a fundraiser; or a monetary gift (with the amount established) at the end of the year. No matter how you go about it the present PTO can let everyone know where their fundraising dollars are going on the get go. I know our local PTA's carry over only enough money to get through business until their first fundraiser. Depending on the size of the school it is usually about $1,000.00. (enrollment beign between 250 and 450. Best Wishes!
After reading your words, you are all scaring me. Our district will be in the process of adding additional schools. (Yes, the suburbs are finally consuming the farm land.) When this comes, what do we do? Common sense would lead me to believe that if your child is going to the new school then your fundraising money should go to the new school. Am I placing too much common sense to this? I know this would cause additional paperwork, but it appears this would be the most politically correct way to handle this. (Boy, do I hate political garbage!)
I agree with you Carrie. I do not see how anyone could assume otherwise. They must have known about this change for awhile if they allocated money to them last year. What did they do with it?
We had a similar situation in our school district this year. Normlly when a new school is opened, all the PTO's in the district (There are 7 PTO's currently) will vote to send about 500.00 each to start the new school's budget.
With redistricting, about 3/4's one school's population is being sent to the new school. The majority of PTO officers wanted to take the entire budget with them. They sent a survey to the entire school, and eventually voted to send 1/2 of the money to the new school.
I personally believe the money should stay with the old school.