Our bylaws state
Four members shall constitue a quorum for the transaction of business in any meeting of this organization, unless attendance is lower then 4 in which majority vote shall constitue the transaction of business in any meeting.
However with yours allready stating 6 members I would think that everything that was voted upon at your last meeting would not be valid. I would consider changing yours to something like ours. Unfortunately sometimes all you get is your officers to show up for the meetings and business does have to be taken care of.
I am the vice president of our PTO this year. Last year I was a co- president with my best friend and everything was going good. We did not have a secretary or treasurer because of lack of participation we just had co-presidents that year. My problem is this year we drew up new bylaws and we do have a treasurer and secretary for which I am grateful but are attendance has dropped again. We redid the bylaws last september and I still have not received a copy of them. We had a meeting last week and voted on things that we would purchase for the school. Well we only had the pres. ,the vice pres., secretary ,treasurer & one member show up for the meeting. In our new bylaws it states that we have to have at least 6 members to vote on anything. Well I was not notified about this until a few days ago. The secretary & treasurer purchased some items that were voted on to purchase at this meeting . I had forgotten this rule was put in our laws. My question is how do we rectify this situation? I would appreciate any help at all.