I agree but they are railroading the newsletter committee to quit. In fact two people have done so due to the scream festivals at each meeting. They are not letting us express ourselves like the originally said. What do I do next? We have invited them to one of our meetings and they said that they would go over this HUGE problem once more - "We will tell you what to put in the newsletter and where it goes." If we have a private meeting can we request the meeting minutes? How long do they have to get us a copy?
I agree with rosemom. Problems with the committee or other members should be held in private. That should not be made for a public show. I have to say that that would be in very bad taste to handle in a problem(s) in front of others.
In our by-laws we have the duties of the executive board. We do not have anyting in writing of the expectations of each committee chair and co-chair are. We also have nothing that states that our executive board can revoke duties of any committee, is that possible? Do they have to do this at the PTO meeting in front of the other parents? Can they do this in a private (executive board) meeting only?